Released to all wire services and media outlets
May 1, 2023 Washington D.C.
The Federal Government of Ethiopia has declared an all-out war on the Amhara region after a relative peace following the devastating war in northern Ethiopia. There are credible indications that the Ethiopian government is committing war crimes deploying all its arsenal, including the Air Force.
Unless this brazen aggression is immediately stopped, thousands of Amharas will be killed, with devastating humanitarian consequences that can spill over into the wider community of nations. The Middle East and Europe will be flooded with unprecedented refugee crises. Further, this brutal onslaught will only galvanize stiff resistance and destabilize the country triggering a collapse of law and order.
We call upon the international community and their partners to give the utmost attention to the war declared on the Amhara people by Abiy Ahmed and his generals. This unlawful operation must be stopped as a matter of urgency. The government has also cracked down on non- Oromo speaking residents of Addis Ababa, restricting people’s movements, launching house-to-house kidnappings and freezing the bank accounts of Amhara businessmen.
Eritrea, Turkey, Russia, China, India, USA, AU, UN, EU and other members of the International Community should never underestimate this new declaration of an all-out war on the Amhara people.
Therefore, the International Community should call upon the Government of Ethiopia to:
- Immediately stop the war against the Amhara people.
- Stop the Amhara Genocide in Wolega zones of Oromia region and Northern Shewa zones of the Amhara region
- Stop the ethnic cleansing of the Amharas from Addis Ababa and surrounding cities
- Stop the systematic demolition of Amhara and other non-Oromo Ethiopian homes in Addis Ababa and its environs
- Free the over 10,000 Amhara political prisoners in Addis Ababa and the over 20,000 political prisoners in the Amhara region.
We urge that this conflict be handled through dialogue and not through civil war.
- Adwa Great African Victory Association (AGAVA)
- All Shewa Ethiopian People Multipurpose International Association
- Amhara Dimtse Serechit
- Amhara Wellbeing and Development Association
- Communities of Ethiopians in Finland
- Concerned Amharas in the Diaspora
- DC Task Force
- Embilta Forum
- Ethio-CanadianHumanRightsAssociation
- EthiopianAdvocacyNetwork(EAN)
- EthiopianAmericanCivicCouncil(EACC)
- EthiopianAmericanDevelopmentCouncil(EADC)
- EthiopianCommunityAssociationofGreaterCincinnati(ECAGC)
- EthiopianDialogueForum(EDF)
- Freedom and Justice for Telemt Amhara
- Global Alliance for Justice – The Ethiopian Cause
- Global Amhara Coalition (GAC)
- GlobalEthiopianScholarsInitiative(GESI)
- GonderHibretforEthiopianUnity
- Major Lemma Woldetsadik Memorial Foundation
- NetworkofEthiopianScholars(NES)
- RadioYenesewEthiopia
- Selassie Stand Up, Inc.
- TheEthiopianBroadcastGroup
- VisionEthiopia(VE)
- Worldwide Ethiopian Civic Associations Network (WE-CAN)