Stop Amhara Genocide’s letter to United Nations Human Rights Council

We know the USA government seems to be above the International Law and Human Right Decree. But we trust in the power of the people.
Here is a letter written to United Nations Human Rights Council and state members.
We would like also to inform the public on what is going on in Ethiopia and how the western countries chose to ignore a genocide that they are aware of.
We herd them crying out loud about the Tigré war. They were making g official statements to misinform the pubic, twist facts as they are accustomed to do to the satisfaction of their partner in crime, Tedros Adnahom, Director of the WHO during the fake pandamic and fake vaccine.
The Amhara people need the voice of the grade public. We need the help of nanny decent citizen, organisation, political party or government. This is International call.
Anyone who can help, please?
#people #help #humanrights #StopAmharaGenocide