Ethiopian Coup Plot Unveiled: Ex-Defense Chief Tsadkan Gebretensae Allegedly Involved

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Credible Ethiopian local news sources are reporting details about a planned coup d’état mentioned by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during his address to parliamentarians last Thursday.

Tsadkan Gebretensae, a former Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) combatant, commander, and later Ethiopian Defense Chief of Staff after the TPLF’s rise to power in Addis Ababa, is linked to the alleged coup plot. He is currently in the United States.

Tsadkan was one of the key negotiators of the TPLF during the Pretoria talks with the Abiy Ahmed-led government that led to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed on November 22, 2022.

According to Ethio News, a TPLF faction known as the Adwa group is alerting the Abiy Ahmed government about the alleged coup. Tsadkan Gebretensae is allegedly having conversations with contacts in Ethiopia about the plot, and the TPLF faction mentioned is reportedly warning the Ethiopian government not to allow him to return to the country. His alleged contacts within the military and the government structure are unspecified.

The Adwa group reportedly has issues with Tsadkan due to his views during the Pretoria negotiations, where he blamed the TPLF for the outbreak of the two-year war that claimed nearly one million lives. However, no other sources have reported this at the time of writing. The TPLF has a tradition of strategically using misleading information to pursue its political goals.

What makes this allegation notable is that Abiy Ahmed’s government seems to have subscribed to the “information” that a coup plot is underway. He spoke about the coup even though no parliamentarians asked about it. He said: “Even though the question is not asked, let me advise my fathers and my elder brothers. Recently in some areas, our fathers are discussing a coup d’etat. It will not succeed in Ethiopia. We are soldiers and we built the institutions in a way to ensure that a coup will not succeed.”

Abiy’s description of those involved in the alleged coup as “my fathers and my elders” seems to match with Tsadkan Gebretensae, who is of senior citizen age.

Abiy Ahmed also revealed that a “friendly country” is allegedly involved in financing and coordinating the coup. Initially, there was speculation that he might have been referring to Eritrea. However, there is now a view that Abiy was more likely referring to the United States.

Apart from Tsadkan Gebretensae, politicians like Gendu Andargachew—who fell out with Abiy Ahmed’s government—were rumored to have had discussions with U.S. government officials in the United States. U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa is currently in Ethiopia for a “working” visit and is scheduled to meet with Ethiopian government officials. 

As of now, Tsadkan Gebretensae has not commented on the allegations regarding his possible involvement in the coup d’état. Abiy Ahmed has repeatedly expressed concern about the possibility of a coup in Ethiopia.


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