Is South Sudan fitting of Egypt against Ethiopia paying off?
South Sudan government, which has had a controversial role in Ethiopia-Egyptian bilateral relationship for the last few years, seems to...
South Sudan government, which has had a controversial role in Ethiopia-Egyptian bilateral relationship for the last few years, seems to...
The Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, commended the country's increasing COVID-19 testing capacity as the number of confirmed cases reached...
DEBRE TABOR - In a bid to attract tourists and augment income, Debre Tabor City is striving to restore its...
This week, I led a letter to @SecPompeo & @stevenmnuchin1 urging them to halt cuts in foreign assistance to Ethiopia.'...
ቅዳሜ እ.አ.አ መስከረም 5 የኢትዮጵያ ህግ ምክርቤት የበላዩ የፓርላማ አባላት በሚቀጥለው ሳምንት በሰሜናዊ የኢትዮጵያ ግዛት በትግራይ ክልል የሚካሄደውን ምርጫ ህገ-ወጥ...
ከድምፃዊ ሃጫሉ ግድያ ጋር በተያያዘ ከሰኔ 24 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ ለ64 ቀናት በእስር ላይ የነበሩት ይልቃል ጌትነት (ኢንጂነር) በዋስ...
Flyer - Option 2Download
In recent months, the music industry like many others has been forced to reckon with deep-rooted racism and inequity that... እሁድ ነሃሴ 24 ከሰዓት በኋላ በርከት ያሉ ኢትዮጵያውያን እና ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያውያን በሎንዶኑ የ ኢትዮጵያ ኤምባሲ ፊትለፊት ሠላም ለኢትዮጵያ ብሚል...