https://youtu.be/T5lWFoUvH1M https://youtu.be/s4XqtJmB2io https://youtu.be/8dJcf6NrH24 https://youtu.be/AO1d8PjlcF0 https://youtu.be/bHDMlSAdyeM https://youtu.be/kSPX42MAZ_c
https://youtu.be/T5lWFoUvH1M https://youtu.be/s4XqtJmB2io https://youtu.be/8dJcf6NrH24 https://youtu.be/AO1d8PjlcF0 https://youtu.be/bHDMlSAdyeM https://youtu.be/kSPX42MAZ_c
https://youtu.be/h9KlD8Znfdk የ/ወ ወይናም አንዳርጋቸው መሣይ ፍትሐትና እና የቀብር ሥነ ሥርዐት Wainam Andargachew Massai's Funeral & Burial Service Live Stream Monday,1...
የኢምባሲው ጁንታዎች ሽኝት፣ የተረኞች ትንቅንቅ ፣ የውስጥ እዋቂታዛቢው ዶሴከውስጥ አዋቂመግቢያሰሞኑን በታላቅዋ ብሪታንያ የኢትዮጵያ ኢምባሲ የሚታየውን ትንቅንቅ አስመልክቶ ፤ የተፈጠሩትን እሰጥ...
Universal Music Group (UMG), the world leader in music-based entertainment, announced today that Dr. Menna Demessie has been appointed Senior...
By CARA ANNA and EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a call with Ethiopia's prime minister...
ድንቁርና አንድ ጥቅም አለው፤ እንደ ታዬ አንደአ ደፋር ያደርጋል። ታዬ ደንደአ ታሪክ መጻፍ የኦነግ ተዋጊ እንደሆነው በድፍረት የሚገባበት ቀላል ነገር...
‘Ethiopia’s Starbucks’Kaldi’s in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (@outoftheashesinc.korah/Facebook)When Kaldi’s (known as Ethiopia’s Starbucks) opened its doors, it was based on the...
Four former U.S. ambassadors to Ethiopia wrote a joint letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed voicing concern over the conflict...
HE. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia met today (January 27) with EU Ambassadors...
Today, Sunday January 24, 2021, a very remarkable Ethiopian was laid to rest at Addis Ababa’s Sts. Peter and Paul...