We’re Not Going to Kill Prosperity With Kindness!
By Kebour Ghenna Three months since I joined EZEMA and I can tell you the warmth I felt from everyone...
By Kebour Ghenna Three months since I joined EZEMA and I can tell you the warmth I felt from everyone...
, in today’s exchange rate the amount is equivalent to 36 billion birr The auction also expected to generate $8...
by the Telegraph Weapons experts said images obtained by the Telegraph show injuries consistent with the chemical By Will Brown, Africa Correspondent, Nairobi23...
በወለጋው አምባሳደር አማኑኤል አብርሃም አይን፣ A 19th Century Victorian Gentleman, and Ethiopian Nationalist – Dr Charles Martin “ትውልዱ ከዚህ አውራጃ...
By Thomas Gedle So much for the American exceptionalism BS. The truth is that the American value is completely out...
FDRE Jobs Creation Commission with the support of Big Win Philanthropy and in partnership with Zenysis Technologies began the second...
Peter W. Esmonde*May 16, 2021 A girl stands outside her home in the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Credit: UNICEF/Tanya Bindra On...
መጋቢ ጥበብ መንገሻ መልኬ ===>>''እኔ ቅዱስ እንደሆኩ እናንተም ቅዱሳን ሁኑ፤''(1ኛ ጰጥሮስ 1፤16)>>#የቅዱስ ፓትርያርኩን ቃል የግላቸው ነው" የሚለው አነጋገር ከሕገ ቤተ...
(በዶ/ር ትግስት መንግስቱ ኃ/ማርያም) አማራ በአማራነቱ ምክንያት ብቻ ሲጨፈጨፍ ስናይ ለምን ይህ ይሆናል ማለታችን የአማራ ብሄር ተኛ አያረገንም። ሌላውም ሲገደል...