Over 5300 structural violence and conflict have occurred in Ethiopia, the majority of that is in Oromia.

The National Conflict Incident Study has announced that 5,300 conflicts have occurred in Ethiopia over the past five years, from 2018 to 2023, resulting in thousands of innocent deaths, the Weekly Private, Addis Admas reported.
The study, which took almost a year to complete focusing on organized political conflicts, revealed that the conflicts experienced in the country in the last five years have caused the loss of lives of a large number of citizens and heavy destruction of property, according to the news sources.
The study recalls that 2021 and 2022 were the years in which bloody wars tremored the country. The study pointed out that the first Region is Oromia where there have been a lot of conflicts in the stated years. The study further indicates that Amhara and Tigray are in the second and third place after Oromia. Following the war, the attacks perpetrated on innocent people in the last five years are ranked in second place. Public opposition expressed in various ways has taken third place, according to the study.
The study revealed that the government structure plays a negative role in intensifying and exacerbating the conflicts that have occurred in Ethiopia over the past five years. The study indicated that government agencies are involved in forced displacement, sexual assaults and the disruption of humanitarian aid.
The government structures have their own role in directly involving in conflicts, exacerbating them and not fulfilling their responsibilities in a bid to satisfy their political needs.
The study indicated that the escalation of conflicts in the country is very serious. It pointed out that if the conflicts continue without a permanent solution, they will lead to the massacre of innocent people.
Source: borkena.com