Emebet-Hoy Hannah Mariam Dereje, presenting a chapter on HIM Emperor Haile Selassie Prize Trust in the newly launched book “Africa Hall A Monument to African Historty” at ECA Africa Hall. (October 23, 2024)

“Honored Ambassadors, diplomats, government officials, Luel Ras Mengesha Seyoum, esteemed guests. Let me start by thanking two people for getting me involved in this wonderful book project. The first person is Ethiopian Film maker and documentarist Rasselas Lakew who introduced me to the second person who I want to thank and that someone who I can now call a good friend, Marcello Mezzedimi. Together, the three of us concepted the idea of writing about His Majesty’s Prize Trust which was established in 1963, two years after the ECA was founded and I believe that was a source of inspiration for my great-grandfather to recognize outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations first on the global scale and let me give you an example, two bodies that were recognized by His Majesty were the Vatican and the Noble Peace Prize and on the African level numerous African dignitaries like President Leonor Senghor and other were recognized and of course Ethiopia being the most important thing to His Majesty over 32 awards were given to Ethiopian nationals.

So much to say but let me say this what a honor and privilege to be standing in this great and sacred hall. The building was inaugurated by HIM, my great-grandfather the year was born in 1961 so you can imagine why this date is of significance to me personally. It gives me great pleasure and high honor to have participated on this historical event and to have made my own small contribution (like Edward said) to the great legacy of Africa Hall, and the collaboration of Arturo Mezzèdimi and His Majesty Emperor HS I. Thank you very much.”
✍? Emebet-Hoy Hannah Mariam Dereje