Emperor Haile Selassie’s great-grandson releases uchronic novel
Prince Joel Makonnen, member of the former imperial family of Ethiopia, releases a novel for teenagers, but it is not...
Prince Joel Makonnen, member of the former imperial family of Ethiopia, releases a novel for teenagers, but it is not...
The deadly violence that rocked Ethiopia this summer following the death of artist Hachalu Hundessa has been a subject of...
On August 27, Foreign Policy reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was considering suspending $130 million worth of US aid to Ethiopia. Within...
Ethiopia on Monday introduced its new currency but only gave three months window to people to exchange old currency notes...
የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ ገዥ ወይዘሮ ይናገር ደሴ ባቀረቡት መግለጫ እንዳስታወቁት አዲስ የተዋወቁት የገንዘብ ኖቶች አገሪቱ መዝባሪዎችና የተቀናጁና የተደራጁ ውንጀለኞች ብርን...
የትግራይ ምርጫ ውጤት ህወሓት - 98.2 % ባይቶና - 0.8% ውናት - 0.71% ሳወት - 0.27% ዓሲምባ - 0.01% ከአጠቃላይ...
The ruling party in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region won all contested seats in elections this week that have further poisoned...
Ethiopia’s democratic transition was already precarious. Two developments have made it even more uncertain.When Abiy Ahmed became Ethiopia’s prime minister...
Ethiopia’s Coffee-Growing Areas May Be Headed for the HillsNew research suggests climate change may radically redefine the regions best suited...
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Sudans President Omar Al Bashir take part in a...