Vision EthiopiaStatement on the Current Crises in Ethiopia
Vision Ethiopia, a non-partisan association of Ethiopian scholars and professionals, denounces in the strongest terms the ethnically targeted violence waged...
Opinions are expressed by individual writers, the opinion expressed would be that of the writer not necessarily that of the Ethiopian Tribune.
Vision Ethiopia, a non-partisan association of Ethiopian scholars and professionals, denounces in the strongest terms the ethnically targeted violence waged...
ድንቁርና አንድ ጥቅም አለው፤ እንደ ታዬ አንደአ ደፋር ያደርጋል። ታዬ ደንደአ ታሪክ መጻፍ የኦነግ ተዋጊ እንደሆነው በድፍረት የሚገባበት ቀላል ነገር...
‘Ethiopia’s Starbucks’Kaldi’s in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (@outoftheashesinc.korah/Facebook)When Kaldi’s (known as Ethiopia’s Starbucks) opened its doors, it was based on the...
Four former U.S. ambassadors to Ethiopia wrote a joint letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed voicing concern over the conflict...
Letter to The Economist: “The Government of #Ethiopia condemns in the strongest of terms the accusation that it is “using...
The Queen of ShebaJanuary 17, 2021 he Ethiopian government has successfully—and thunderously—crashed the putsch perpetrated by a TPLF cabal in... TOWN HALL MEETING – Moderator, Ms. Abeba Cherinet, Financial Advisor at MorganStanleyParticipants can send text, audio or video questions...
January 9, 2021 “…The darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others who are...
ዮሐንስ አንበርብር Source: በኢትዮጵያም ሆነ በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ረዥም ጊዜ የፈጀ የፍርድ ሒደት የሚባለው፣ በእነ ሌተና ኮሎኔል መንግሥቱ ኃይለ...