ስማቸው ያልተገለፀ የአሜሪካው ከፍተኛ ባለሥልጣን ለጋዜጠኞች ምን አሉ ?
• የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ከአሜሪካ የንግድ ልዑክ የተነሱትን ቅሬታዎች በተመለከተ ተጨማሪ " አዎንታዊ እና ገንቢ " ዕርምጃዎች የሚወስድ ከሆነ ኢትዮጵያ ከተጠቃሚነት...
Breaking News
• የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ከአሜሪካ የንግድ ልዑክ የተነሱትን ቅሬታዎች በተመለከተ ተጨማሪ " አዎንታዊ እና ገንቢ " ዕርምጃዎች የሚወስድ ከሆነ ኢትዮጵያ ከተጠቃሚነት...
https://youtu.be/vzAQAH6NjrU UNITED NATIONS/ADDIS ABABA, Nov 8 (Reuters) – The African Union and the United States see a small window of...
https://youtu.be/uHmPviuWl0s Tribute to Blatten Geta Herouy Wolde Selassie 1878 -1939 ፀሎተ ፍታት ለብላቴን ጌታ ህሩይ at Bath Abbey 18.09.21 the...
United States President Joe Biden signed an executive order that allows the US government to impose sanctions against those responsible...
As I write this open letter to you, it comes at a time when innocent civilians including women, children and...
The Ethiopian American Civic Council (EACC) is calling for an independent review and forensic validation of a CNN piece alleging Ethiopian government officials committed...
Ethiopian artefacts that were looted at the Battle of #Maqdala in 1868 officially handed over to Embassy by the Scheherazade...
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) -Rebellious forces from the Tigray region killed 120 civilians over two days in a village in Ethiopia's...
https://youtu.be/c8mwv445suE The Chair of the International Development Committee, Sarah Champion MP, led a debate on the continuing humanitarian crisis in...
Tens of thousands of newly displaced people in the Tigray, Amhara and Afar regions live in dire conditions after shifting...