የፖለቲካ ሥልጣን ቢኖረኝ
(በቀለ ገሠሠ) በህይወቴ የፖለቲካ ሥልጣን ተመኝቼ አላውቅም። ፍላጎቴ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ባገኘሁት ከፍተኛ ትምህርትና ዓለማቀፍ የሥራ ልምዴ ወገኔን ማገልገል ብቻ ነበር።...
(በቀለ ገሠሠ) በህይወቴ የፖለቲካ ሥልጣን ተመኝቼ አላውቅም። ፍላጎቴ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ባገኘሁት ከፍተኛ ትምህርትና ዓለማቀፍ የሥራ ልምዴ ወገኔን ማገልገል ብቻ ነበር።...
Why Ethiopia's Amhara militiamen are battling the army Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has found himself at the centre of...
The attack occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning in Finote Selam, a town in Amhara’s West Gojjam zone,...
In the space of two days, the European Union issued a statement, the United States issued a joint statement with...
Scrambling for Front Seats as the Ship Sinks Girma Berhanu (Professor) Metaphorically speaking, present-day Ethiopia is not unlike a leaking...
How will landlocked Ethiopia get direct access to a port? Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed says the high costs of relying...
Ethiopia, Turkish contractor in UK arbitration over half a billion USD claim The Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) and Yapi Merkezi...
Rastafarians gathering for the 131st birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie are still grappling with his reported death in 1975 Charles...
፩- ቆሞስ አባ ክንፈ ገብርኤል ተክለማርያም ብፁዕ አቡነ ገሪማ ተብለው ተሠይመው ጌዴኦ አማሮና ቡርጂ ሀገረ ስብከት፤ ፪- ቆሞስ አባ ሣህለ...