Ethiopia earns 104 mln USD export revenues from Chinese-built industrial parks
Ethiopia earns 104 mln USD export revenues from Chinese-built industrial parksEthiopia has earned 104 million U.S. dollars export revenues from...
Ethiopia earns 104 mln USD export revenues from Chinese-built industrial parksEthiopia has earned 104 million U.S. dollars export revenues from...
Annette Weber, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, told media on Friday that “there are discussions right now”...
በትግራይ ኃይሎች እና በፌደራል መንግስት ድርድር ተጀምሯል ወይ? ድርድሩስ ምን ይመስላል? የድርድሩ ተካፋዮች እነማን ይሆኑ? ነጻ ውይይት። ሃገረ ኢትዮጵያ እንዴት...
ሐኪም ወርቅነሀ እሸቴ (ሃኪም ቻርለስ ማርቲን ወርቅነሀ እሸቴ )በ1857 ዓ.ም. በጎንደር ልዩ ስሙ ቈራ በተባለ አካባቢ ከአባታቸው አዛዥ እሸቴ ወ/ማርያም...
The Washington Post has analyzed photos of shrapnel and satellite imagery and cross-referenced video to confirm that Ethiopia used a...
The Ethiopian government has announced its intention to release more high-profile political figures as an expression of its gesture to...
Last week, Debretsion told the BBC that his group and the government of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed have been...
Bill would assist Biden administration’s efforts to broker ceasefire while pushing ahead with a possible genocide designationThe US Congress on...
Ethiopian Airlines Resumes 737 MAX Flights After the 2019 Deadly Crash Ethiopian Airlines, on Tuesday, resumed flying Boeing 737 MAX...
" በከረዩ የሚችሌ ገዳ የጅላ አባላት ላይ ግድያ የፈጸሙና ያስፈጸሙ የፀጥታና የአስተዳደር አባላት ላይ ተገቢው የወንጀል ምርመራ ተደርጎ ለፍትሕ ሊቀርቡ...