ፊታውራሪ ሀብተ ጊዮርጊስ ዲነግዴና የእንግሊዞች ሴራ።
የፎቶ መግለጫ፣ ባህሩ ዘውዴ፣ ገጽ 125-130፣ 135-145 የተወሰደ ከመጽሀፉ በተገኘው ፎቶ የምኒልክ ከፍተኛው ባለስልጣንና የጦር ሚ/ር የነበሩት ፊታ/ሀብተ ጊዮርጊስ ዲነግዴ...
የፎቶ መግለጫ፣ ባህሩ ዘውዴ፣ ገጽ 125-130፣ 135-145 የተወሰደ ከመጽሀፉ በተገኘው ፎቶ የምኒልክ ከፍተኛው ባለስልጣንና የጦር ሚ/ር የነበሩት ፊታ/ሀብተ ጊዮርጊስ ዲነግዴ...
Book cover of The Shadow King, by Maaza Mengiste. W.W. Norton & Company, 448 pp. Knowledge Highway: Books offer a vast...
The shaking was felt the whole Addis Ababa , the capital of Ethiopia with people living in apartments and condos...
OP-ED: Understanding Abiy Ahmed’s Mind: The Red Sea, The Indian Ocean & Maybe Alaska too Rasselas Weldemariam If you can...
A planning document for Ethiopia’s Fayda ID digital identity supplied to the World Bank reveals that the program has been...
Underneath the Veneer of Prosperity: A Deep-Dive into Ethiopia’s Ongoing Crisis Abiy Ahmed has been making claims about unprecedented production...
Safaricom Ethiopia’s CEO to leave next month Safaricom Ethiopia’s CEO Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC (STEP) announced that Anwar Soussa Chid,...
The four threats that could destroy Ethiopia By Kebour Ghenna Ethiopia is on the precipice of social, political, and economic...
Many culprits stole food aid in north Ethiopia, investigation finds (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2023 (In June 15 story, corrects...