UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt mass deportation of Eritreans
UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt mass deportation of Eritreans UN experts today* condemned Ethiopia's summary expulsion of hundreds of...
UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt mass deportation of Eritreans UN experts today* condemned Ethiopia's summary expulsion of hundreds of...
Ethiopian Airlines, Dangote Cement swap revenue held in Nigeria, Ethiopia over forex shortages Dangote and Ethiopian Airlines Ethiopia and Nigeria’s...
The Ethiopian Airlines: An Epitome of Oromummaa’s Predatory Greed and Gangsterism Yonas Biru First, let us make one thing clear....
UNDP hails China for promoting renewable energy in Ethiopia The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has hailed its partnership with...
Ethiopia Applies To Join BRICS Country has the fastest growing GDP rates in Africa and its second largest population Ethiopia...
The tragic prince of Abyssinya in Malta ✍? Giovanni Bonello ℹ️ Times of Malta Leandro Preziosi’s portrait of Prince Alemayehu...
የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ዋና ሰብሳቢ ብርቱካን ሚደድቅሳበሕወሓት ጉዳይ የስራ መልቀቂያ ማስገባታቸውን አስታወቁ ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ በተረጋገጠው የግል የማኅበራዊ ትስስር ገጻቸው...
City admin to rake in 6 b br from walls and roofs but property tax waits in wings Addis Ababa’s...
Ethiopia, aid partners form committee to investigate allegations of food aid misappropriation The Ethiopian government and aid partners have formed...
Underneath the Veneer of Prosperity: A Deep-Dive into Ethiopia’s Ongoing Crisis Abiy Ahmed has been making claims about unprecedented production...