UN gets $2.4 bln in pledges for Horn of Africa aid efforts
ReutersUNITED NATIONS, May 24 (Reuters) - The United Nations received pledges of $2.4 billion on Wednesday to help fund aid...
ReutersUNITED NATIONS, May 24 (Reuters) - The United Nations received pledges of $2.4 billion on Wednesday to help fund aid...
Prince Joel, an ancestor of the Ethiopian prince who was buried in the UK, says the palace's refusal to return...
የታዋቂው 'ሸዋ ዳቦ' ቤት መሥራች ዘሙይ ተክሉ ከዚህ ዓለም ድካም አረፉ የአዲስ አበባ የተለያዩ አካባቢዎች ሥያሜውን የተዋሱት የሸዋ ዳቦ መሥራቹ...
Ethiopia's Prince Alemayehu: Buckingham Palace rejects calls to return royal's body By Jibat Tamirat & Cecilia Macaulay Buckingham Palace has...
የማኅበረ ቅዱሳን ቴሌቪዥን የስርጭት አገልግሎት እንዳይሰጥ እግድ ተጣለበት ማኅበረ ቅዱሳን ቴሌቪዥን ጣቢያ ዛሬ ግንቦት 13 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም ሰበር ዜና...
" የቦርዱ ውሳኔ የሰላም ሂደቱ አደጋ ውስጥ የሚከት ነው " - ህወሓት ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ (ህወሓት) ከቀናት በፊት ምርጫ...
by Hone MandefroThe shortage of adequate housing in cities is an issue around the globe, particularly among developing countries that...
Six months have passed since a cessation of hostilities agreement was reached to end the two-year war in northern Ethiopia....
“ኢትዮጵያ አገሬ ሞኝ ነሽ ተላላ፤ የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ በላ!” ጉዳዩ፡- ለህክምና ከአገር እንዳልወጣ መከልክሌን ይመለከታል እኔ ብር ጋዴየር ጄነራል ተፈራ...
Surging costs from Ethiopia foray eat into Safaricom earnings Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa. PHOTO | DENNIS ONSONGO | NMG Mobile...