The Mockery of USA – Africa Leaders Summit.

Inter-state or international summits are important for setting agendas, carrying out constructive discussions and coming up with amicable agreements.
In the case of Africa, however, we have not been able to enjoy those equal terms. The ongoing US-Africa Summit does not seem to be any exception. The agenda is set by the US Administration. This is mainly because Africa is forced to succumb to offers comming from the East, especially China, in terms of soft loans, construction of the infrastructure, etc.
This is because the Westerners constantly fail to learn from their past bitter legacies of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.
China thus came in and controlled the balance. But she didn’t come for a charity but for her own self interest.
However, be it Western or Eastetn domination is not a solution. Currently we are not in a position to exert influence. We are busy kiling each other and displacing each other, forcing outmigration. That makes us lose our pride and influence.
The solution is in developing democracy and cooperation in Africa in similar spirits initiated in the early 1960s that were sabotaged by colonialists and some internal saboteurs. Given democracy and peace, Africa has more than the necessary natural resources to feed her children.
Bekele Gessesse, Dr.