Ethiopian gov’t arrests EPRP party chairman in Addis Ababa

Zinabu Abera, Chairman of Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP), is reportedly arrested in the capital Addis Ababa.
Addis Maleda, a local news source, on Tuesday, reported that it was the police who arrested him and that he is currently at the third police division.
At this point, it is unspecified why he was arrested. Police did not disclose the arrest.
Abraham Haymanot, the party’s first chairperson, was arrested following a move to organize a peaceful demonstration in December 2023 and was released recently after three months behind bars. Several other anti-war organizers were arrested at the time.
Abiy Ahmed’s administration has been intensifying crackdown on politicians (including parliamentarians), activists and journalists especially after the introduction of the state of emergency in August 2023. The immunity of parliamentarians who were thrown behind bars was lifted seven months after they were arrested.