82ኛው የድል በዓል። ሚያዝያ 27 ቀን 1933 የጣሊያን ባንዲራ ወርዶ የኢትዮጵያን ሰንደቅ ከፍ ያለበት ዕለተ ነጻነት።
በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ውስጥ የጀግንነትን ነገር እናንሳ ከተባለ እያንዳንዷ ዕለት ጀብዱ የተፈጸመባት ትሆናለች። ዳሩ ግን ሦስት ቀኖች ደግሞ በተለየ መልኩ ዓለም...
በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ውስጥ የጀግንነትን ነገር እናንሳ ከተባለ እያንዳንዷ ዕለት ጀብዱ የተፈጸመባት ትሆናለች። ዳሩ ግን ሦስት ቀኖች ደግሞ በተለየ መልኩ ዓለም...
For immediate release May 4, 2023 The Honorable Antony Blinken SecretaryU.S. Department of State2201 C St. NW Washington D.C. Dear...
Ethiopia: Torture has worsened with the return of war The World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) and our network members, the...
Talks Between prosperity party of PM ABIY And Oromo Rebels End Without Agreement Initial talks between Ethiopia's government and the...
We know the USA government seems to be above the International Law and Human Right Decree. But we trust in...
Ethiopia detains 47 suspected of trying to 'overthrow' PM Abiy Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The Ethiopian Joint Security and...
Released to all wire services and media outlets May 1, 2023 Washington D.C. The Federal Government of Ethiopia has declared...
The Ethiopian Ministry of Transport and Logistics has insisted on its decision to fully digitalize gas transactions in the capital...
By TESFA-ALEM TEKLEEthiopia’s nascent gold mining sector may be breeding rights violations after a lobby found workers were unprotected from...