Saudi Arabia: Ethiopian migrants forcibly returned after detention in abhorrent conditions
Saudi authorities are forcibly returning hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian migrants after arbitrarily holding them in indefinite detention in inhuman...
Saudi authorities are forcibly returning hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian migrants after arbitrarily holding them in indefinite detention in inhuman... ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ጸሐፊ ትዕዛዝ አክሊሉ ሀብተ ወልድ በግፍ ከተገደሉ 50 ዓመታት በኋላ የትነገሩ የአዲስ አበባ ራጉኤል ቤተ...
A $1.6 billion lawsuit alleges Facebook's inaction fueled violence in Ethiopia By Emily Olson FoxgloveAbrham Amare, one of the plaintiffs named...
A $1.6 billion lawsuit alleges Facebook's inaction fueled violence in Ethiopia By Emily Olson FoxgloveAbrham Amare, one of the plaintiffs named...
ባለፉት ቀናት ፓስተር ዮናታን የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ሥርዓተ እምነት (ዶግማ)፣ ቀኖና፣ ትውፊትና ታሪክን በሚያንቋሽሽ መልኩ የሰነዘራቸው እኩይ አስተምሕሮዎች መነጋገሪያ...
Inter-state or international summits are important for setting agendas, carrying out constructive discussions and coming up with amicable agreements. In...
በፈረንሳይ፣ ስፔን፣ፖርቹጋል ፣ ሞናኮ እንዲሁም UNSECO #የኢትዮጵያ አምባሳደር ሄኖክ ተፈራ የስራ ጊዜያቸውን እንዳጠናቀቁ አሳውቀዋል። አምባሳደር ሄኖክ በተረጋገጠ የማህበራዊ ትስስር ገፃቸው...
ከዚህ ቀደም ታስራ ከእስር የተፈታችው መስከረም አበራ ዛሬ ከሰዓት በኋላ አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ በፌደራል ፖሊስ በቁጥጥር ሥር መዋሏን ባለቤቷ መናገሩን...
It was on November 23, 1974 that the military junta “The Derg” massacred 60 imprisoned Ethiopian government officials at Kerchele...
ሰለ 60 ዎቹ ባለስልጣናት እውነታዎችሺህ ዘጠኝ መቶ ስልሳ ሰባት……ቀናት ቀናትን ወልደዋል፡፡ ሀገሪቱ ከጫፍ እስከ ጫፍ በአዲስ የለውጥ ማዕበል ውስጥ እየተናጠች...