IMF projection ‘Ethiopia shows a GDP growth rate of 5.3% in 2023’
The newly released IMF real GDP growth projection depicts a somewhat gloomy prospect for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The region’s progress...
The newly released IMF real GDP growth projection depicts a somewhat gloomy prospect for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The region’s progress...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is saddened to confirm the reports of the death of one of our colleagues who...
Intelligence agencies of Sudan and Ethiopia on Saturday agreed to bolster security cooperation in a bid to counter-pressing peace and...
His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie was welcomed by the President of the Senate, the Honourable Tom Tavares-Finson, Senators...
ይኼንን ያሉት ሚስታቸውን በሞት የተነጠቁት ሌ/ጄኔራል ዐብይ አበበ ናቸው።ከሥር ያለው ፎቶ ውብ ወጣት ልዕልት ፀሐይ ኃይለሥላሴ ናቸውቀዳማዊ አፄ ኃይለሥላሴ ከ...
የጋዜጠኛ እና ደራሲ ፍቅሩ ኪዳኔ የመታሰቢያ መርኃ ግብር ዛሬ በመናገሻ ገነተ ጽጌ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ተካሄደ። ጋዜጠኛና ደራሲ ፍቅሩ በሕክምና...
Ethiopia has warned Ireland that it may end its diplomatic relation with the country if it does not change course.Ethiopian...
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that the United States was "deeply concerned" about reports of increasing...
ባህር ዳር የጣና ፎረም መካሄድ ጀምሯል። 10ኛው የ " ጣና ፎረም " ጉባኤ በአፍሪካ የሰላም ፣ ጸጥታ እና ደህንነት ጉዳዮች...
Ethno-Federalism in Ethiopia – 30 Year Amhara Genocide By Mortaza Sahibzada Sahibzada_TransJNF3-draftDownload This paper outlines two phases of the genocide...