Shaping Amhara nationalism for a better Ethiopia
By:Zola MogesAs Amhara nationalism emerges, it should not adopt the same divisive tactics as Ethiopia’s other competing ethno-nationalisms.In Ethiopia’s ever-changing...
Opinions are expressed by individual writers, the opinion expressed would be that of the writer not necessarily that of the Ethiopian Tribune.
By:Zola MogesAs Amhara nationalism emerges, it should not adopt the same divisive tactics as Ethiopia’s other competing ethno-nationalisms.In Ethiopia’s ever-changing...
By Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam The terrorist attack on the Ethiopian Embassy could easily have become a repeat of the...
By Mulugeta G Berhe (PhD) The political crisis in Ethiopia is not showing sings of abating. Ongoing riots in Oromia...
by Brook K Seifu In a string of unfavorable news, all against the best interests of Ethiopia coming out from...
#አቤት_እግዚኦ__ወላድ_በድባብ_ትሂድ ...‼️ይህ ወኔ ጠርቅ ክትባት አያምልጣችሁ፤#MustSeee❗ይህ ህዝብ ቅኔ ነው፤ይህ ህዝብ ትንግርት ነው፤ይህ ህዝብ እጅግ አስተዋይና ዊዝደምን በተፈጥሮ የተቸረ ህዝብ ነው፡፡የኮሎኔል...
In this edition of Wilson Center NOW we are joined by Aaron Salzberg, Director of the Water Institute at the...
Achamyeleh Tamiruአቻምየለህ ታምሩሰማዩንም ምድሩንም የኛ ነው የሚሉ ኦነጋውያንን እሹሩሩ ማለቱ ማብቃት አለበት። «ዳግማዊ ምኒልክን ውደዱ፣ ኢትዮጵያዊ ናችሁ፣ ስለወደፊቱ ብቻ እንስማማ»...
ልዑል ራስ መኮንን፤ለዑል ራስ መኮንን ወልደሚካል ጉዲሳ የተወለዱት አንኮበር ነው። አንኮበር ከቀደምት የአክሱም እና የላስታ ቀጥሎም ከጎንደር ነገሥታት በአንድ በኩል...
Ketema KebedeFirstly, huge thanks for sharing my thoughts yesterday about Queero’s week-long siege-cum-jamboree outside Ethiopian Embassy. This tragicomedy episode must...
By: ves-Marie Stranger The civil unrest that took place in early July Ethiopia after the slaying of singer Hachalu Hundessa...