violence in Ethiopia: facebook faces $1.6 billion law suit
A $1.6 billion lawsuit alleges Facebook's inaction fueled violence in Ethiopia By Emily Olson FoxgloveAbrham Amare, one of the plaintiffs named...
A $1.6 billion lawsuit alleges Facebook's inaction fueled violence in Ethiopia By Emily Olson FoxgloveAbrham Amare, one of the plaintiffs named...
A $1.6 billion lawsuit alleges Facebook's inaction fueled violence in Ethiopia By Emily Olson FoxgloveAbrham Amare, one of the plaintiffs named...
የሩሲያው ውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ሰርጌይ ላቭሮቭ ለይፋዊ የሥራ ጉብኝት በዛሬው ዕለት አዲስ አበባ ገብተዋል። ሰርጌይ ላቭሮቭ ቦሌ ዓለም አቀፍ አውሮፕላን...
በቀለ ገሠሠ (ዶ/ር) 1ኛ/ መንደርደሪያ፤ እናት አገር ታማለች። ልጆችዋ ዘራቸዉና ኃይማኖታቸዉ እየተመረጠ እየተጨፈጨፉና እንደቅጠል እየረገፉ ናቸዉ። አቢያተ ክርስቲያናትና ገዳማት እየተቃጠሉ...
Ethiopia was this past week fighting off pressure from the African Union to hear grievances of the proscribed Tigray People’s...