Is South Sudan fitting of Egypt against Ethiopia paying off?
South Sudan government, which has had a controversial role in Ethiopia-Egyptian bilateral relationship for the last few years, seems to...
South Sudan government, which has had a controversial role in Ethiopia-Egyptian bilateral relationship for the last few years, seems to...
By Joanna Bailey Ethiopian Airlines’ agility has allowed it to grow to become one of the biggest airlines in the...
የዐፄ ዳዊቷ በራራ፤ በደግማዊ ምኒልክ ዘመን እንደገና የታደሰችው አዲስ አበባ በወያኔና በኦነግ ዘመን በግማሽ ጠበበች እንጂ ፈጽሞ አልሰፋችም! ታከለ ኡማ...
DEBRE TABOR - In a bid to attract tourists and augment income, Debre Tabor City is striving to restore its...
ቅዳሜ እ.አ.አ መስከረም 5 የኢትዮጵያ ህግ ምክርቤት የበላዩ የፓርላማ አባላት በሚቀጥለው ሳምንት በሰሜናዊ የኢትዮጵያ ግዛት በትግራይ ክልል የሚካሄደውን ምርጫ ህገ-ወጥ...
ከድምፃዊ ሃጫሉ ግድያ ጋር በተያያዘ ከሰኔ 24 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ ለ64 ቀናት በእስር ላይ የነበሩት ይልቃል ጌትነት (ኢንጂነር) በዋስ...
Addis Ababa, Sep 4 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia woke up on Friday among four nations worst hit in Africa by Covid-19,...
Addis Mercato, an integrated e-commerce and logistics company, in partnership with TechEagle, an Indian tech company, is launching the first...
Achamyeleh Tamiru ኢዜማ በአምስት ክፍለ ከተሞች የሚገኙ የተወስኑ ቦታዎች ላይ ብቻ ባካሄደው ጥናት ያገኘውን ውጤት ዛሬ ባሰራጭው ሪፖርት 213,900 ካሬ...
At least 500 Ethiopian Christians reported slaughtered in relentless door-to-door attacks since JuneAn Ethiopian Christian leader called for an international...