ክቡር አምባሳደር ልጅ እምሩ ዘለቀ H.E. Ambassador Lij Imru Zeleke

ክቡር አምባሳደር ልጅ እምሩ ዘለቀ ከልጅነት እስከ ዘመናቸው ፍፃሜ ታላቅ ኢትዮጵያዊ፣ መካሪ አዛውንት ሆነው፣ በክብር ኖረው በክብር አርፈዋል። እግዚአብሔርን የማመሰግነው ታሪካቸውን ፅፈው ማለፋቸው ነው። ከቀናት በፊት ልጃቸውን ልዕልት አደይ እምሩን ለምፅፈው መፅሃፍ አንዳንድ ነገሮችን ስለአያቴ እንዲነግሩኝ ጠይቄአቸው ትንሽ ደከም እንዳሉ ነግረውኝ አዝኜ ነበር። እንደ እሳቸው ያለ እራሱ ተከብሮ በሌሎችም አስከብሮን የኖረ የእግዚአብሔር ሰው የሃገር ዋርካ ሲያርፍ ወደአምላኩ ነው የሚሄደውና በረከታቸው ይድረሰን፣ ለሃገራችንም እሳቸውን የመሰለ ይተካልን ማለት ነው የሚቻለው። የሚያሳዝነው ሃገራችን እነሱን የመሰሉ ታላላቅ ሃገር ገንቢዎች ባለፉ ቁጥር መራቆቷ ነው።
ክቡር አባታችን ልጅ እምሩ ዘለቀ በመድኃኔአለም ቀኝ ይረፉ።
H.E. Ambassador Lij Imru Zeleke has gone to the land of his fathers in the Kingdom of God. He lived honorably, represented his people and country immaculately. He was faithful to his God, king, and country. I reached out to his daughter Princess Adey Imru Makonnen few days ago if he was able to share to me some stories about my grandfather for the biography of my family I am writing and I learned that he was getting weaker. I was very saddened because it wasn’t too long ago when I lost my dear father. But I thank God that the Honorable Lij Imru Zelleke left us his memoir. A great treasure indeed. Everytime we lose such great Ethiopians, our nation builders, our country loses a great deal. All I can say is, may you rest in eternal peace under the loving shadows of the Redeemer.
From the Seifu family
Source: https://www.facebook.com/brook7
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